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- From: "Stossel in the Classroom" <bla1 AT stosselintheclassroom.net>
- To: "trad-gnu" <trad-gnu AT april.org>
- Subject: [Trad Gnu] A special offer for Educators
- Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 19:24:14 -0500
- Organization: Stossel in the Classroom
If you prefer not to receive email from us again, please click this link to UNSUBSCRIBE from our list. Dear Educator, We'd like to send you our totally-free DVD (even the shipping and handling is free)—the 2013 Edition: Good Intentions Gone Wrong—for use in your classroom! Place your order now! This 77-minute DVD includes 10 specially-selected segments from my television programs for use in your classroom, along with a Teacher Guide (available in English and Spanish) with suggested discussion topics and activities. Topics on this year's DVD include Lemonade Stand: Consumer Protection Gone Wrong, Professional Panhandling: Charity Gone Wrong, Food Police: Regulation Gone Wrong, Job Creation Gone Wrong, Innovation: Private vs. Public, Collaboration Leads to Innovation, Mystery of Happiness: Is Happiness Relative?, Income Disparity: Should Equality Be the Goal?, Police Accountability: Privacy Laws Gone Wrong, and Censorship at College: Politeness Gone Wrong. Teachers say my free classroom DVDs excite students: "I have used your curriculum with high school students for the past three years. They tell me it is their favorite class! Thanks for providing such engaging and immensely important material. I love when they share current events and now can see the real story behind what is being presented via the media and/or government. Please... keep doing what you're doing!!!" —Dawn Buckley For more information about this TOTALLY FREE DVD, including segment descriptions, please click here: http://stosselintheclassroom.org/freedvd/2013/?source=Mar2013 Feel free to forward this email to other teachers who might appreciate this opportunity. Sincerely, John Stossel If you prefer not to receive email from us again, please click this link to UNSUBSCRIBE from our list. ------------------------- Stossel in the Classroom is a project of The Center for Independent Thought 1112 River Oaks, Benton, AR 72019 Visit us online at http://stosselintheclassroom.org/ |
- [Trad Gnu] A special offer for Educators, Stossel in the Classroom, 21/03/2013
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