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- From: IRACM <info AT iracm.com>
- To: trad-gnu AT april.org
- Subject: [Trad Gnu] Counterfeit medicines: training for action
- Date: 9 Dec 2014 09:30:47 +0100
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Because with every passing day, men, women and children, your loved ones, even yourself, can be victims of counterfeit medicines. Thousands of lives are at stake. That is why the International Institute of Research Against Counterfeit Medicines (IRACM) is launching an e-learning programme on the counterfeiting of medicines.
• To promote and support the fight against trafficking in counterfeit medicines.
• To protect the health of patients by training and informing people.
Today, to fulfil these front line health objectives, IRACM needs you and your network to disseminate this e-learning on your digital media.
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Television, the press, radio, the internet ... by sharing this training module on your public digital media resources, you will be involved in the creation of a genuine support chain for effective action against the proliferation of counterfeit medicines.
This is why we are appealing to you in person:
- To relay this prevention message;
- To help us to go on the offensive and stop the spread of counterfeit medicines.
In fact, faced with the growing danger of this threat and the risks that it represents for populations, you can contribute to general mobilization by disseminating this programme to your contacts.
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This training provides all the resources necessary to raise public awareness about the fight against counterfeiting and better understanding of the different issues in this struggle against counterfeit drugs
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Attached you will find an e-learning media promotion kit, including several banners, web buttons and a description of the e-learning module for your contacts. The kit can be used independently to promote the training.
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The primary role of the International Institute of Research Against Counterfeit Medicines (IRACM) is to raise awareness among the public and the authorities about the planetary threat posed by counterfeit medicines. Since its creation, IRACM has become a centre of excellence in its area of expertise.
The institute fulfils several missions:
• assisting governments to organize themselves better in this fight, defining their priorities and developing the resources to achieve their objectives;
• training field agents engaged in the fight against this traffic: customs, the police and health agencies;
• compiling knowledge on the subject of counterfeit medicines;
• disseminating good practice and know-how;
• offering its expertise and exchanging information with health authorities and government departments or agencies.
In September 2013, IRACM published an authoritative study report on "counterfeit medicines and criminal organizations".
www.iracm.com / info AT iracm.com
- [Trad Gnu] Counterfeit medicines: training for action, IRACM, 09/12/2014
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