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trad-gnu - [Trad Gnu] Fwd: We urgently need your support

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[Trad Gnu] Fwd: We urgently need your support

Chronologique Discussions  
  • From: Jean-Christophe Helary <jean.christophe.helary AT>
  • To: trad-gnu <trad-gnu AT>
  • Subject: [Trad Gnu] Fwd: We urgently need your support
  • Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 21:13:21 +0000
  • Feedback-id: 92162971:user:proton

Je sais que ça n’est pas à traduire, mais s’il y a des membres de trad-gnu
qui ne sont pas encore membres de la FSF, c’est le moment.


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Zoë Kooyman, FSF <info AT>
> Subject: We urgently need your support
> Date: June 27, 2024 6:00:03 JST
> To: "Jean-Christophe HELARY" <jean.christophe.helary AT>
> Reply-To: Zoë Kooyman, FSF <info AT>
> Delivered-To: jean.christophe.helary AT
> Return-Path: <crmmailer+b.168461.88843727.4e360be268b26f2f AT>
> Dear Jean-Christophe HELARY,
> We need your help. Like many organizations right now, the Free
> Software Foundation (FSF) has suffered and we have reported financial
> losses for a number of years. We have had to make salary adjustments
> to match inflation and rising health expenses so that we can retain
> our small but extremely talented and committed group of staff.
> Operational costs have also risen, like the [legal fees][1] for the
> work we do in [compliance][2], which have gone up several times. These
> expenses have made it almost impossible to do the kind of enforcement
> that truly challenges violators. Revenue has not kept up, because
> people all over the world are going through the same challenges as we
> are. The imbalance has cost us staff members already, and it continues
> to force us into making difficult decisions about, for example, our
> much loved office space.
> [1]:
> [2]:
> Your associate membership is extremely helpful. It's an important show
> of support we can rely on. We know not everyone is in a position to,
> but **if you can, would you consider an [additional
> contribution][7]?** With your help, we can respond to current events
> with legal counsel, we can hold companies to account and make sure
> they recognize the freedoms granted to the user by the GPL licenses.
> With your help, we can play an important role in shaping legislation
> for future technologies such as AI and provide recommendations to
> governments on public infrastructure. With your help, we can provide
> infrastructure, campaigning, *and* financial support for free software
> projects such as the GNU System. By supporting us today, [you help
> secure our future][8]. Or, if you convince someone else to [join][9]
> this spring, you can help us achieve our goal of 200 new members by
> July 19 and we will reward you with a wooden GNU Head sticker!
> [7]:
> [8]:
> [9]:
> I speak about what it means to be up against billions of proprietary
> software dollars in the article I wrote for this season's *Free
> Software Bulletin*. It aims to illustrate the size of the challenge
> ahead of us, even when we are not suffering financial hardships. The
> FSF has an important role to play for computer users globally for
> years to come, and we still have a lot of work to do. Here are some
> accomplishments from these last few months alone:
> * FSF was selected to participate in the [National Institute of
> Standards and Technology][16] (NIST) Consortium on Artificial
> Intelligence Safety. The work will provide recommendations to the
> government following President Biden's executive order on "the safe,
> secure, and trustworthy development and use of artificial
> intelligence." Our campaigns team is making sure that the free
> software perspective is represented in discussions about the ethical
> use of (so-called) AI.
> * We contributed to the current UK cloud services market investigation
> by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) on the supply of public
> "cloud" infrastructure services in the UK.
> * We took on a new [fiscally sponsored][17] project: [EmacsConf][18]
> is a great collective that has been successfully hosting the EmacsConf
> conference for several years now, and which has taken a step forward
> by opening themselves up to donations.
> * The FSF licensing team has celebrated several successes with its
> licensing stewardship. The [GNU licenses][19] can sometimes be used in
> such a way that they, intentionally or not, [confuse users][20]. Such
> confusion can make it feel unsafe to use the license, which is bad for
> user freedom, and for the license itself. Using the GNU GPL is
> supposed to send a strong message that the purpose of the license is
> to grant users their four essential software freedoms -- and we need
> to protect that message.
> * We dealt with two subpoenas in these last months. One of which was a
> subpoena by Vizio, which required a [deposition][21] in the *SFC v
> Vizio* case. I personally spent many hours preparing for this
> deposition with legal counsel so that I could confidently defend the
> FSF's intention for the GNU licenses to promote the freedom to run,
> copy, distribute, study, change, and improve software — which requires
> that source code be shared with users. Preparation was vital because
> Vizio challenged our responses the full 10(!) hours this deposition
> lasted. The deposition was held May 1st, 2024, and is due to be used
> when the case goes to court in July of this year, where we might still
> be asked to testify.
> [16]:
> [17]:
> [18]:
> [19]:
> [20]:
> [21]:
> There is much more work to do, and much more we want to take on. The
> challenge we face is also our greatest opportunity and strength. We
> are not, and will never be, beholden to corporate and outside
> interests. Instead, we rely and thrive on the thousands of individual
> free software supporters and champions around the world.
> We currently have fantastic people in place in our licensing,
> campaigns, tech, and operations teams, who will make your contribution
> worthwhile. We continue to make a difference every day towards
> preventing a future where proprietary software companies have taken
> full control. We rely on your help to achieve this.
> Yours in freedom,
> Zoë Kooyman
> Executive Director
> --
> Interested in helping us expand our reach?
> * Follow us on Mastodon at <> and PeerTube at
> <>, showing your support
> for federated social networks.
> * Get active on the LibrePlanet wiki:
> <>
> * Share on your blog or [social network]( that
> you support us, and why you do so.
> * Subscribe to our RSS feeds: <>
> * Join us as an associate member: <>; and display
> your membership button (<>) on your website.
> Read our Privacy Policy:
> <>
> Sent from the Free Software Foundation,
> 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor
> Boston, Massachusetts 02110-1335
> United States
> You can unsubscribe from this mailing list by visiting
> To stop all email from the Free Software Foundation, including Defective by
> Design,
> and the Free Software Supporter newsletter, visit

Jean-Christophe Helary
@jchelary AT

  • [Trad Gnu] Fwd: We urgently need your support, Jean-Christophe Helary, 26/06/2024

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