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Re: [Trad April] appel à relecture FR->EN - réacti on sur le discours de Neelie Kroes sur les standards ouverts et l'interopérabilité
Chronologique Discussions
- From: Rayna <rstamboliyska AT april.org>
- To: traductions AT april.org
- Subject: Re: [Trad April] appel à relecture FR->EN - réacti on sur le discours de Neelie Kroes sur les standards ouverts et l'interopérabilité
- Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 23:24:31 +0200
- Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=mime-version:sender:in-reply-to:references:from:date :x-google-sender-auth:message-id:subject:to:content-type; b=pkvclakAYbx+wu69YmBIJpBBhMm4zN031hn1wxJwvvRFx34nkmNgHKiZ+DPkaGZSCH 8bwUQV6G7NseEimCRXutGJwWla+hTMKMfjjNDWEzyy1AhXT5XcFPyp8tKCDSEmvX/8Ym 4uH1q6L4w4CCHXkgT8+PurSD3vuDWHslB4N78=
Le 17 juin 2010 17:39, Jeanne Tadeusz <jtadeusz AT april.org> a écrit :
Done. J'ai mis ma version en PJ. La plupart des mots et expressions corrigés/suggérés sont en bleu et les alternatives lorsque plusieurs choix sont possibles sont indiqués avec "/". Quelques commentaires et questions avec des pitits post-its attendent Marc, Thibault et autres anglophones :D
Hope this helps,
J'ai fait une première traduction de l'actualité sur Neelie Kroes, les standards ouverts et l'interopérabilité, destinée à être publiée rapidmeent.
Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait relire?
Done. J'ai mis ma version en PJ. La plupart des mots et expressions corrigés/suggérés sont en bleu et les alternatives lorsque plusieurs choix sont possibles sont indiqués avec "/". Quelques commentaires et questions avec des pitits post-its attendent Marc, Thibault et autres anglophones :D
Hope this helps,
Merci d'avance,
(aussi disponible sur http://www.april.org/en/node/13989 )
Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes gave on Thursday, June 10th 2010 a <a href=""http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=SPEECH/10/300&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en">speech on open standards and interoperability</a> during <a href=""http://www.openforumeurope.org/summit2010">Open Forum Europe 2010</a> in Brussels. She underlined in her speech how important those two ideas were, which reassured April after <a http://www.april.org/en/digital-agenda-europe-theoretical-interoperability-forgotten-implementation"> its concerns were raised by the absence of open standards in the Digital Agenda. </a> Commissioner Kroes declared that she was «<em> a big fan of open standards »</em> which she defined unequivocally as standards that «<em> do not come with any constraints for implementers »</em>. </p>
Although this recognition of open standards and interoperability is without any doubt a positive step, Neelie Kroes did not give any guarantee on their legal recognition at EU level. On the contrary, she a sang the same old tune as the rest of the Commission, presenting openness as a continuum despite the fact that openness of standards amounts to the lack of limitations : there is no such thing as openness degrees, there are only degrees in closeness. April consequently regrets that Commissioner Kroes did not really commit to truly open standards<fn>http://www.april.org/en/digital-agenda-eu-commission-favors-obscurantism-over-innovative-and-open-information-society</fn>, which are the only way to ensure real interoperability. Taking such a stand would have been even more crucial in the current context of negociations on the European Interoperability Framework in which open standards are threatened</a>.
It is even more of a pity given that Commissioner Kroes otherwise analyzed very fairly and thoroughly the threat represented by proprietary formats. She denounced how <em>« many authorities have found themselves unintentionally locked into proprietary technology for decades. After a certain point that original choice becomes so ingrained that alternatives risk being systematically ignored, no matter what the potential benefits. This is a waste of public money that most public bodies can no longer afford. »</em>
She then proceeded to undescore the consequences of such choices on citizens : <em>« it is even worse when such decisions [...] force citizens to buy specific products (rather than any product compliant with an applicable standard) in order to make use of a public service. This could be your kid's school insisting on the use of a specific word processing system or your tax department's online forms requiring a specific web browser. »</em>. Commissioner Kroes underlined the importance of public authorities choosing interoperability and open standards<fn>Neelie Kroes uses as an example the Dutch policy <em>comply or explain</em>, which demands that public authorities to give a clear and justification, instead of it being the easy option.</fn>. April is satisfied that this threat is being taken into account, since it had already put it forward in its <a href=""http://www.april.org/en/digital-agenda-letter-european-commission">letter to the European Commission</a>.
Neelie Kroes recongized those threats and took up a critical argument on the importance of having open standards, understood as standards without any usage constraint : <em>« everybody who cares about interoperability should care about the financial conditions for the use of standards as well as the indirect constraints imposed on third parties: the fewer constraints the better »</em>. She emphasizes there the threat caused by FRAND licenses clauses<fn>FRAND : <em> Fair, Reasonable and Non Discriminatory </em>licencing clauses under which the use of the licences is limited by discretionnary clauses</fn> about which she admits that <em>« let's face it, establishing FRAND (Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory) prices is a hard task over which reasonable people often disagree. »</em>. Such licenses are essentially antithetic to the ability to pool information, and consequently are contrary to the core principles of healthy competition. On the other hand, the solution she offered here - ex ante disclosure of licensing rules - is avoiding the issue altogether, as it does not guaranty any implementation of standards that can be truly used by everyone.
April is pleased with the outcome of Kroes' speech : the non-use of open standards is recognized as a real threat (of lock-in, of limitations imposed on third parties, of discriminatory acquisition costs, etc). Reinforced by this analysis of the current situation, the Commission now needs to act in concrete terms in favor of open standards and interoperability. The integration of companies and citizens in the information society depends on it.
"Change l'ordre du monde plutôt que tes désirs."
Membre du CA de l'April - Promouvoir et défendre les logiciels libres (www.april.org)
PhD Student
"Molecular Evolution and Bioinformatics"
Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) of Munich
What happens when you've worked too long in the lab :
*You wonder what absolute alcohol tastes like with orange juice.
*Warning labels invoke curiosity rather than caution.
*The Christmas nightout reveals scientists can't dance, although a formula for the movement of hands and feet combined with beats per min is found scrawled on a napkin by a waiter the next day.
*When you have twins, you call one of them John and the other - Control.
Description: Binary data
- appel à relecture FR->EN - réaction sur le discours de Neelie Kroes sur les standards ouverts et l'interopérabilité, Jeanne Tadeusz, 17/06/2010
- Re: [Trad April] appel à relecture FR->EN - réacti on sur le discours de Neelie Kroes sur les standards ouverts et l'interopérabilité, Rayna, 17/06/2010
- Re: [Trad April] Re: [Trad April] appel à relecture FR->EN - réaction sur le discours de Neelie Kroes sur les standards ouverts et l'interopérabilité, Thibaut BOYER, 18/06/2010
- Re: [Trad April] Re: [Trad Ap ril] Re: [Trad April] appel à relec ture FR->EN - réaction sur le discours de Neelie Kroes sur les standards ouverts e t l'interopérabilité, Philip, 18/06/2010
- Re: [Trad April] Re: [Trad Ap ril] Re: [Trad April] appel à relec ture FR->EN - réaction sur le discours de Neelie Kroes sur les standards ouverts e t l'interopérabilité, Jeanne Tadeusz, 21/06/2010
- Re: [Trad April] Re: [Trad April] appel à relecture FR->EN - réaction sur le discours de Neelie Kroes sur les standards ouverts et l'interopérabilité, Thibaut BOYER, 18/06/2010
- Re: [Trad April] appel à relecture FR->EN - réacti on sur le discours de Neelie Kroes sur les standards ouverts et l'interopérabilité, Rayna, 17/06/2010
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