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- From: "patrick.agelinux" <patrick.agelinux AT free.fr>
- To: transcriptions AT april.org
- Cc: Marie-Odile Morandi <mbottoli AT mailarchi.it>
- Subject: [Transcriptions] Fwd: Re: Le logiciel libre à la Banque de France
- Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2016 22:11:45 +0100
---------- Message transmis ----------
Objet : Re: [Transcriptions] Le logiciel libre à la Banque de France
Date : mardi 13 décembre 2016, 21:46:17
De : patrick.agelinux <patrick.agelinux AT free.fr>
À : Marie-Odile Morandi <mbottoli AT mailarchi.it>
Le mardi 13 décembre 2016, 15:59:29 Marie-Odile Morandi a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Il s'agit d'un entretien au POSS : 4 minutes à relire
> http://wiki.april.org/w/Place_du_logiciel_libre_%C3%A0_la_Banque_de_France
> Je n'ai pas compris un mot entre bitcoin et blockchain >>> C'est marqué
> ainsi ???
> Merci aux oreilles meilleures que les miennes
Juste relu, ça a grincé à ces passages :
"Nous gérons, notamment, nous avons" bizarre
"en l’état de l’art" correct ? "à l’état de l’art" (3x de résultats sur gg)
"cette application blockchain [elle] est destinée à permettre"
"le partage d’informations certifiées entre" pourquoi avoir choisi le pluriel
et non l'indénombrable ?
"L’application en question [, c’]est un registre"
"sur cette expérimentation[.] et notre enjeu"
A noter toutefois que si l'utilisation visée est le sous-titrage de la video
youtube, la correction de la syntaxe passe évidemment au second plan, bien
que toutefois les traducteurs automatiques puissent préférer les syntaxes
correctes pour ne pas être induits en erreurs par des finesses contextuelles.
Merci pour cet article très intéressant.
Juste pour info, voici la traduction qu'en fait google, qui peut alerter sur
des points délicats.
Vincent Deroussent: Guarantor of the monetary stability, institution of the
Republic, financial supervisor, issuer of the currency in France, here are
some of the missions of the Bank of France. But what is the link with the
open source you say. ? Well, we'll talk about it with Thierry Bedoin. Hello
Thierry Bedoin: Good morning.
Vincent Deroussent: You are director of digital transformation at the Banque
de France.
Thierry Bedoin: Absolutely.
Vincent Deroussent: Concretely an institution created in 1800. I believe we
have no older than a guest on the Paris Open Source Summit. What is the
interest of the Banque de France for free software?
Thierry Bedoin: Listen, free software is really very important. First of all,
it should be emphasized that at the Banque de France we have an information
system that is particularly wide, open, but also very critical. And in fact
we already use a lot of open source software in all parts of our computer
operations, whether it be on our servers, in our applications, even in the
databases. We manage, in particular, we own two data centers which are in the
state of the art of technology with a large computing capacity. For us, open
source is a question, of course, of controlling our information system,
opening up this information system, but also a key to innovation.
Vincent Deroussent: For how long?
Thierry Bedoin: In fact, we have been using open source software for a good
ten years now and we have really become mature now. I would say that the vast
majority of our computers, our servers, now runs under open source system
Vincent Deroussent: This interest is understandable. But bitcoins, smart
contract, blockchain, all these phenomena, how you perceive them within the
Bank of France, all these phenomena that evidently move the lines of your
sector of activity.
Thierry Bedoin: Indeed, it is clear that we are in an extremely moving world.
Financial players are changing. One sees appear Fintech, which use these new
technologies. The new technologies guide, in fact, now almost all the
economic and social evolution. A central bank must reflect on its changing
role and always question the way it does business and the services it
provides. And so we look very closely at these techniques and we are also
experimenting, with banks, a blockchain application in an interbank
information sharing framework.
Vincent Deroussent: Can you tell us a little bit more? His goal ? Temporality?
Thierry Bedoin: Sure. It is an application we have developed in extremely
fast times and we use a blockchain which is an open source blockchain, in an
interbank framework and, in fact, this blockchain application is intended to
allow the sharing of certified information between The banks and the Banque
de France. The application in question is a register to manage the
identifiers that allow to make SEPA payments. Banks must obtain an
identifier. Until now it was the Bank of France, in a rather heavy process,
which affected it and therefore, we developed a blockchain application for
this. It is today in pilot mode with seven banks that have decided to join us
on this experiment and our stake, well it is to be able to pass, of course,
in production.
Vincent Deroussent: Objectives, a timetable already set?
Thierry Bedoin: For now it's in discussion with the banker colleague.
Vincent Deroussent: All right. Perfect. Thank you in any case for telling us
about these elements, Thierry Bedoin. I remind you that you are the director
of digital transformation at the Banque de France. Thank you.
Thierry Bedoin: Thank you. Good day to you.
A noter que la video est déjà sous-titrée automatiquement, mais qu'il n'est
peut-être pas possible d'en récupérer le texte ?
- [Transcriptions] Fwd: Re: Le logiciel libre à la Banque de France, patrick.agelinux, 13/12/2016
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