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informatique-deloyale - DVD, porno et contrôle du contenu « jugé acceptable »

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DVD, porno et contrôle du contenu « jugé acceptable »

Chronologique Discussions 
  • From: Benoît Sibaud <bsibaud AT>
  • To: informatique-deloyale AT
  • Subject: DVD, porno et contrôle du contenu « jugé acceptable »
  • Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 15:11:54 +0100

Utilisation des DRM pour contrôler du contenu.

Un article intéressant de The Inquirer à propos de la bataille entre
HD-DVD et Blu-Ray.

« Most companies officially hate porn but love the money it brings in,
so they give it tons of support behind the scenes. Not Sony. It is
swinging the other way and going after anyone who replicates porn on Blu
equipment. If you do, you licence gets pulled, basically putting you out
of that business.


One big problem with this is not pornography, but your rights. If Sony
says no to content it doesn't like, and ends up winning the market, what
if someone has content that Sony finds unsavoury for reasons relating to
finance or other things? Got a documentary that is critical of Sony's
chairman? It presumably can block it or revoke the keys. This is a
hugely dangerous slippery slope we are on. »


Benoît Sibaud

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