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informatique-deloyale - [Presse] Why DRM won't ever work par Allison et FreeTheBBC

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[Presse] Why DRM won't ever work par Allison et FreeTheBBC

Chronologique Discussions 
  • From: Benoît Sibaud <bsibaud AT>
  • To: informatique-deloyale AT
  • Subject: [Presse] Why DRM won't ever work par Allison et FreeTheBBC
  • Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 10:37:39 +0200

Why DRM won't ever work (par J. Allison, Samba et Google)

« Believing in a DRM business model is like joining Star Fleet security,
putting on your red shirt, and volunteering to beam down to the new
unexplored plant with Kirk, Spock and McCoy. Someone will be coming back
from that mission, it's just not likely to be the security guard. Always
a true engineer, Scotty had the good sense to stay safely on board the
ship. »

Free the BBC before DRM kills her
« Dear BBC,

We are deeply concerned about the BBC's use of "Digital Rights
Management" (DRM) to manage content delivered to users over the
Internet. There are dozens of arguments against DRM, however we believe
these are the most important and relevant to the BBC. »

Benoît Sibaud

  • [Presse] Why DRM won't ever work par Allison et FreeTheBBC, Benoît Sibaud, 11/06/2007

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