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- From: Open Street aisbl <office AT open-street.eu>
- To: trad-gnu AT april.org
- Subject: [Trad Gnu] OPEN EU PERFORMING ARTS - October 21st, 2016
- Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2016 16:32:33 +0000
- Bounces-to: bounces AT open-street.eu
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Cooperation Project: new Call Online !
![Creative Europe]() ![European Cooperaton Database]()
It was published with two months delay the expected 2017 Call about Cooperation Project in the ambit of CREATIVE EUROPE Programme. The deadline for submission of applications is November 23rd. Open Street aisbl is available to help its members for partnerships building and assistance on application dossiers preparation.
Call issuing: October 2016
Deadline: November 23rd, 2016
Results: May 2017
Category 1 - Small-scale cooperation project
Partnership: at least 1 leader
+ 2 partners (3 different countries)
EU co-financing: up to 200,000 euros (up to 60% of total costs).
Duration: up to 48 months
Category 2 - Large-scale cooperation Project
Partnership: at least 1 leader
+ 5 partners (5 different countries).
EU co-financing: up to 2,000,000 euros (up to 50% of total costs).
Duration: up to 48 months
The Nobel Jester left us.
The death of Dario Fo, on October 13th, 2016, is a great loss for the European Popular performing arts. Nobel Prize in Literature in 1997 "because, following the tradition of medieval jesters, he mocks the power, restoring dignity to the oppressed", within him the art of buffoon reached very high levels.
Dario Fo has stimulated the birth and spread of Italian Street Theatre movement. It has often championed the liberalization of urban spaces in Italian cities, and the political sentiment has always been a foundation of his shows.
Open Street support Rhodes-Dodecanese 2021
Rhodes is at the final selection stage for the title of the European Capital of Culture for the year 2021. Its Candidacy titled “Rhodes/Dodecanese 2021: Journey to the Light” was pre-selected last February among 14 Greek cities, and now competes with Kalamata and Ellefsina. The winner will be designated this coming November.
Open Street aisbl has signed an agreement protocol for cooperation in the project, with the Committee chaired by Nikos Chatzipapas, historical member of the network Open Street, director of the INTERNATIONAL STREET THEATRE FESTIVAL in Athens.
STREET MAIL EU, Your way to Europe !
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Are you an artist or a pro company willing to promote on the European scene ?
Through STREET EMAIL EU you can reach an address book of 3000 art directions, agents and promoters of 20 European countries.
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Through STREET EMAIL EU you can reach 5000 addresses of art operators of 25 countries.
STREET MAIL EU is a service created by OPEN STREET aisbl. To subscribe simply join the association and buy two or more mailing sessions via Paypal, Credit Card or Bank Transfer. ![Read More]() |
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- [Trad Gnu] OPEN EU PERFORMING ARTS - October 21st, 2016, Open Street aisbl, 22/10/2016
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