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traductions - Re: [Trad April] trad "Page Nous contacter" à relire

Objet : Liste de discussion pour le groupe de travail traductions (liste à inscription publique)

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Re: [Trad April] trad "Page Nous contacter" à relire

Chronologique Discussions 
  • From: "Marc Chauvet" <marc.chauvet AT>
  • To: traductions AT
  • Subject: Re: [Trad April] trad "Page Nous contacter" à relire
  • Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 23:12:00 +0200
  • Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws;; s=gamma; h=message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version :content-type:references; b=wdQZcJrEqB8J4NNH/Txp3RPGqAmT2eJeScyR8MCtGNHCxQhnsG5rkcrhVRPC3vrZSc zv7v9Dj09jVANjEkMQuJhXdLFlKIDZ6y6avNk3U+n0DoNLzq0hLsF5DofbsAfn8sye5v sdPa6yd38/hvQ/1qZeCn0/bjiiIwdkHzjxfBs=

Bonsoir Patrick,

Merci pour cette traduction.

Voici quelques propositions de modifications (v2). Pour permettre de
faire une diff plus facilement, j'ai mis ta proposition dans le
fichier v1 ci-joint.

Dis moi ce que tu en penses.

Si tu ne l'as pas encore fait, pourras-tu rajouter ton bénévolat
valorisé ? A noter que nous
avons maintenant notre propre intitulé de projet sur cette page, à
savoir "Traductions April" : n'hésitez pas à le préciser si vous y


2008/9/19 Patrick <patrick.abul AT>:
> Je le croyais facile, mais j'ai rencontré un problème* à chaque mot. Il y a
> certainement beaucoup d'erreurs.
> *Ceux soulevés par Ciaran en particulier...
> - Traduit1
> - Original
<h2>Contact form</h2>

You can use the <a href="/contact">contact form</a> to send us questions,

<h2>Postal mail of the association</h2>
<p>Association April<br />
at M. Loïc Dayot<br />
14 rue des Panoyaux<br />
75020 Paris<br />
Email: <a href="mailto:contact AT";>contact AT</a>

<h2><a name="local"></a>Premises adress of the association :</h2>
<p>Association April<br />
c/o ALCÔVE<br />
15 avenue de l'Agent Sarre<br />
92700 Colombes<br />
Tél: +33 (0)1 46 49 25 15<br />
Fax: +33 (0)1 46 49 25 01<br />
<p><strong>Note :</strong> There is not necessarily always someone in the
permisses. So before coming, make a phone call.</p>

<h2>Contacts Presse :</h2>
<p>For press contacts, please visit <a href="/association/presse.html">our
press page</a>.</p>

<p> For any request or information related to this website, please contact
the <a href="mailto:webmasters AT";>website administrators</a>.</p>

<h2><a name="cnil"></a>Computers et liberties</h2>
<p>You granted to access, modify, correct or delete personal data you are
affected by (law «&nbsp;Informatique et Libertés&nbsp;» of 6 january 1978).
For any request, thank you for contacting us by <a
href="mailto:cnil AT";>email</a> or by phone.</p>
<p>April declared at the CNILL a «&nbsp;a correspondent for the protection of
personal data&nbsp;», usually called «&nbsp;correspondant Informatique et
Libertés&nbsp;». This correspondent is responsible for ensuring proper
application in April, of arrangements of the Data Protection Act (for more
information visit the <a href="";>CNIL</a> website.
You con contact the correspondent by <a
href="mailto:cnil AT";>email</a> or by phone.</p>
<h2>Contact form</h2>

You can use the <a href="/contact">contact form</a> to send us questions,

<h2>Postal mail of the association</h2>
<p>Association April<br />
at M. Loïc Dayot<br />
14 rue des Panoyaux<br />
75020 Paris<br />
Email: <a href="mailto:contact AT";>contact AT</a>

<h2><a name="local"></a>Premises address of the association:</h2>
<p>Association April<br />
c/o ALCÔVE<br />
15 avenue de l'Agent Sarre<br />
92700 Colombes<br />
Tél: +33 146 492 515<br />
Fax: +33 146 492 501<br />
<p><strong>Note :</strong> There is not necessarily always someone in the
permisses. So before coming, give us a phone call.</p>

<h2>Press Contacts:</h2>
<p>For press contacts, please visit <a href="/association/presse.html">our
press page</a>.</p>

<p>For any request or information related to this website, please contact the
<a href="mailto:webmasters AT";>website administrators</a>.</p>

<h2><a name="cnil"></a>Data Privacy</h2>
<p>Under the French Data Protection Act (the "Informatique et Libertés" law
of January 6th 1978), you have the right to access, modify, correct or delete
personal data related to you. For any request, please contact us by <a
href="mailto:cnil AT";>email</a> or by phone.</p>
<p>April declared at the CNIL[1] a "a correspondent for the protection of
personal data", commonly called "Informatique et
Libertés correspondent". This correspondent is responsible for ensuring
proper application by the April of arrangements of the Data Protection Act
(for more information, please visit the <a
href="";>CNIL</a> website. You con contact the
correspondent by <a href="mailto:cnil AT";>email</a> or by phone.</p>

[1] The CNIL is the French independent administrative authority whose mission
is to ensure that data privacy law is applied to the collection, storage, and
use of personal data. (reference: <a

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